Splunk Enterprise Security Upgrade

Get Expert Help Before, During, and After Your Upgrade

Splunk 2023-2024 Partner of the Year Award Winner

Undergo a Pain-Free Splunk Enterprise Security Upgrade

Keeping Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) up to date is critical for protecting against security exploits, boosting its speed, and improving overall performance. Carrying out the upgrades isn’t simple, though, and doing them incorrectly runs the risk of business disruptions and loss of data. 

In our Splunk Enterprise Security Upgrade service, our experts will upgrade your ES application for you so that you don’t have to worry about things going awry. We’ll take critical steps before, during, and after the upgrade to ensure your Splunk environment operates as smoothly and efficiently as possible throughout the one-week upgrade process.   

What's Included in a Guided Splunk Enterprise Security Upgrade?

Before we conduct the upgrade, we’ll perform an analysis of your present Enterprise Security state. We’ll review the following: 
  • Internal warning and error messages 
  • Application version compliance as reported on Splunkbase 
  • Any potential breaking changes 
  • Upgrade procedures and order of operations as reported in Splunk release notes 

In addition, we’ll create backups of configurations and other artifacts or ensure backups are available for rollback, as well as review rollback procedures to be prepared for any unexpected failures. 

After completing the required pre-upgrade steps, we’ll carefully upgrade your Splunk App for Enterprise Security. This process involves: 

  • Step-by-step execution: We’ll follow a carefully planned sequence to minimize risks and ensure all components are upgraded correctly. 
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting: We’ll regularly monitor the upgrade and promptly address any potential issues. 
  • Validation: We’ll verify that each stage of the upgrade is completed successfully before moving on to the next step. 

After the upgrade, we conduct a detailed post-upgrade review to ensure everything is functioning correctly. This includes: 

  • A detailed review of any internal warning and/or error messages 
  • A walkthrough review of new features and changes to help you quickly adapt to the upgraded version

Benefits to Your Organization

A faster, more efficient version of Splunk ES

Reduced risk of security exploits

Minimized risk of business disruption and data loss

A seamless transition guided by certified Splunk experts

A quick one-week upgrade period

See How a Guided Splunk ES Upgrade Would Benefit Your Organization

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