SP6 Blog

CIM Compliance – A Simple Walkthrough

Making data CIM compliant can be a daunting and confusing exercise for new Splunkers and experienced ones alike. Often the biggest misconceptions have to do with the approach rather than the exercise itself. My biggest piece of advice – start with the end in mind.

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CIM: What… Why… How…

During your SIEM journey there will be many terms thrown your way, understanding those terms is absolutely essential when it comes to your security environment. In this article, we will bring clarity to one of the more important terms in SIEM, CIM (Common Information Model) Lets Start with the Basics!

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What is SOAR Technology?

There’s currently a major adoption occurring around SOAR products Security Orchestration, Automation and Response. What is SOAR? SOAR is next-generation security software products that are designed to automate the common, and fairly remedial tasks that Security Analysts face.

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AWS Lambda vs AWS Firehose

Splunk has multiple methods in regards to Getting Data In (GDI). One very popular method is the Http Event Collector (HEC). The use of the HEC allows data ingestion into Splunk via HTTP POST messages. Two popular methods that send POST messages out of AWS into Splunk are the AWS services: Lambda and Firehose.

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Caught Red Handed…. Using Splunk to Catch Retail Theft Rings

According to The National Retail Federation, retail theft costs U.S. companies $30 Billion a year, with “professional/habitual shoplifters” responsible for 10% ($3b) of all retail theft. And the problem is only getting worse, with losses increasing at 7% year per year. How can you defend yourself against these losses?

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