There’s only one way to master Splunk security, and that’s by being proactive.
When it comes to managing your environment, regular maintenance and upkeep is a must. But how exactly can you do that? Our Director of Splunk Security Professional Services, Shwan Alatoshi, has put together a brand-new series—Proactive Splunk Security.
Our first episode, Simulate. Detect. Improve., covers the best ways to test your environment for attack readiness with the latest practices against threat actors. Give it a watch and learn from a Splunk Core Certified engineer how you can prepare Splunk for maximum performance and protection.
About Us
As one of North America’s leading Splunk partners, SP6 is on a mission to empower national and multinational organizations to extract as much value from their Splunk investment as possible. Offering both Co-Managed and Professional services, SP6 is home to a reliable team of 40+ Splunk Core Certified Engineers prepared to address your Splunk needs.
Get in touch to learn how SP6 can optimize your Splunk environment today!