Splunk-SP6_Mastering Risk-Based Alerting in Splunk ES and SOAR

Mastering Risk-Based Alerting in Splunk ES & Splunk SOAR: Enhance Security Operations

Watch this comprehensive webinar and learn how to make the most of risk-based alerting (RBA) in Splunk — combined with the power of Splunk SOAR — to enhance your organization’s security stance.

Key Learning Objectives: 

  • Learn how risk-based alerting works and why it’s important for modern cybersecurity tactics.
  • Learn how you can set up and change risk-based alerting rules in Splunk so that they fit the risk profile of your company.
  • Hear about out advanced ways to prioritize and respond to alerts based on the level of risk, the context of the threat, and its impact on the business.
  • Find out how to utilize Splunk SOAR in your incident response systems to speed up the process of finding threats and reducing their impact.